Policy on the protection of privacy
Investicijų ir verslo garantijos UAB (hereinafter – INVEGA), legal entity code 110084026, head office address Konstitucijos ave. 7, Vilnius, tel. (+370-5) 210 7510 is the data controller responsible for the proper protection of personal data provided to INVEGA.
INVEGA processes personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter – the GDPR), the Republic of Lithuania Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data, INVEGA Rules for the Processing of Personal Data approved by Order No B-142 of 29 November 2019 of the CEO of INVEGA (with subsequent amendments) (hereinafter – the INVEGA Rules for the Processing of Personal Data), other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union, which regulate the processing of personal data.
Eglė Toliūnaitė has been appointed Data Protection Officer at INVEGA, who shall implement the functions of the Data Protection Officer stipulated in Article 39 of the GDPR. You can contact her by e-mail regarding the processing of personal data by INVEGA at egle.toliunaite@invega.lt, tel. (+370-5) 210 7511.
INVEGA processes personal data only:
- upon receipt of the data subject’s consent to the processing of personal data for one or more legitimate purposes of INVEGA;
- for the purposes of concluding and executing contracts by INVEGA;
- if personal data must be processed in order to fulfil INVEGA’s legal obligations.
Detailed information on the purposes of processing of personal data by INVEGA, legal grounds for the processing of personal data, categories of personal data subjects, recipients of personal data, personal data retention periods, rights of personal data subjects, and the organisational and technical measures of personal data processing at INVEGA is provided in the INVEGA Rules for the Processing of Personal Data.
For the purposes of implementation of the rights of a data subject established by the GDPR you can submit a completed application form to INVEGA: Application form for the implementation of data subject’s rights.