Report Corruption
INVEGA applies a consistent and targeted corruption and fraud prevention policy to ensure that its employees work in a transparent and efficient manner.
In this section you can report allegations of INVEGA employee wrongdoings, for example, corruption or conduct that qualifies as a corruption offence. You can also write about service provision procedures that need changing as they currently enable abuse of official powers.
PLEASE BEAR IN MIND that Lithuanian law prohibits any type of defamation or false accusations against another person of a crime. Such behaviour carries punishment provided by law.
You can report corruption by calling us at (+370 5) 278 0373 or by completing this online form. Anyone is entitled to make an anonymous report. Any information you provide will be used by INVEGA for its internal purposes only, for example, as a tool to prevent corruption and other illicit conduct.
Your report will be investigated in accordance with the Rules for document drafting and task performance approved by Order No V-24 of 15 February 2013 by INVEGA Director General within the time frames set in these rules but in any event no later than within 15 calendar days. We will contact you about the outcome of the investigation at the contact details provided (unless the report is an anonymous one).
All answers are confidential. You can submit form as anonymous.
In addition, you can report on illegal activities, corruption or other acts that have all forms of corruption or procedures of all public administrations that shoul be corrected due to the raising presumptions of corruption to Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania ( ).
A report on possible non-transparent use of EU structural financial support can be submitted here.