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Billion for Business Loans up to EUR 50 million
Crowd Funding Loans Aviete The share of the state fund may not exceed EUR 30 thousand
Entrepreneurship promotion 3 Loans up to EUR 25 000 for businesses operating up to 1 year
Loans for higher education and vocational training infrastructure Loans for external and internal renovation of scientific infrastructure, renovation of utility networks and systems, and construction of new buildings
Loans for investments, including sustainable investments, into agricultural holdings A borrower can be given one loan for sustainable investments into agricultural holdings and one loan for investments into agricultural holdings.
Loans for setting up of young farmers Loans under this financial instrument can be granted for the financing of investments and/or working capital.
Loans to public buildings of central government Preferential loans for the renovation of central government public buildings by increasing energy efficiency shall be financed to ensure the obligation of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Municipal Building Fund For municipal administrations, enterprises belonging to municipalities and a private enterprise of electricity system commercial operators
Open Credit Fund 3 The share of OCF3 per one loan must not be more than 75 per cent, and in any event may not be in excess of EUR 750 thousand
Perspektyva Loans up to EUR 1 million
Pokytis Loans for industrial enterprises up to EUR 10 million.
Risk-sharing loans of the EAFRD Financial Instruments Fund The soft loan is worth taking advantage of because up to 75 % of the loan is at zero interest from the facility's funds and the rest, at the financial intermediary's rate, is at the financial intermediary's interest rate.
Startuok Loans up to EUR 3 million in case of investment financing and up to EUR 200 thousand in case of supplementation of the circulating assets
Water Management Fund Loans for the reconstruction of drinking water networks and/or to finance the development and/or reconstruction of wastewater collection networks
Instrument implemented
Alternatyva Instrument - Alternative Lending for Businesses Alternatyva financing is possible under the market conditions and as de minimis aid
Instrument implemented
Direct COVID-19 Loans The maximum amount per loan is EUR 100 thousand
Instrument implemented
Direct COVID-19 loans (Phase II from 10/02/2022) Loans for investments up to EUR 3 million
Instrument implemented
Direct loans to business entities affected by actions of third countries Loans up to EUR 5 million
Instrument implemented
Direct loans to business entities affected by the war Loans up to EUR 10 million
Instrument implemented
Entrepreneurship Promotion Fund 2014—2020 (EPF2) Loans granted to micro and small companies or natural people operating up to 1 year
Instrument implemented
Loans for Invoices Payable Maximum amount of the loan is EUR 500 thousand
Instrument implemented
Loans for Providers of Accommodation and Catering Services Maximum amount of the loan is EUR 3 million
Instrument implemented
Loans for Travel Service Providers Maximum loan is up to EUR 3 million
Instrument implemented
Loans to Businesses Most Affected by COVID-19 Maximum loan amount is up to EUR 1 million
Instrument implemented
Open Credit Fund 2 Maximum amount of financing per loan is EUR 600 thousand
Instrument implemented
Preferential Loans in the Period of Russia‘s Aggression against Ukraine Economic operators meeting the criteria for the preferential loan can receive up to EUR 500,000.
Instrument implemented
Risk-Shared Loans The maximum amount of the loan per SME is EUR 4 million
Guarantees for Financial Lease (Leasing) This financial instrument helps businesses in cases of insufficient or unattractive collateral and enable them to obtain more favourable terms of financing.
Guarantees for street lighting By granting a guarantee, INVEGA undertakes to reimburse the creditor and/or the financier for the borrower’s outstanding obligations under the loan agreement granted to finance the urban street lighting modernisation project.
Portfolio guarantees 3 A portfolio guarantee secures 80% repayment of a loan
Compensation for the Guarantee Fee to Entities in the Fisheries Sector Part of the guarantee fee is compensated for to entities in the fisheries sector.
Export Credit Guarantees Export credit guarantees enable the companies to expand their export markets in the countries with non-marketable risks
Guaranteed Leasing The guarantees provided by INVEGA help solve the issue of insufficient or unattractive securities for financial institutions and facilitate access to financing sources
Guarantees for Large Companies The maximum amount of the guarantee may not exceed EUR 1,5 million
Guarantees to VšĮ Kaimo verslo ir rinkų plėtros agentūra Guarantees for the loans received by VšĮ Kaimo verslo ir rinkų plėtros agentūra are provided.
Individual Guarantees for Loans The maximum amount of the guarantee may not exceed EUR 5 million
Loan Guarantees Offer solutions to unattractive or insufficient conditions and facilitate the access to the funding sources.
Instrument implemented
Portfolio Guarantees for Factoring Transactions Maximum limit per factoring is EUR 1875 thousand
Instrument implemented
Portfolio Guarantees for Factoring Transactions 2 The maximum amount of one factoring limit is EUR 1875 thousand
Instrument implemented
Portfolio Guarantees for Lease Transactions A portfolio guarantee secures the repayment of 80% of the principal amount of leasing to a financial institution
Instrument implemented
Portfolio Guarantees for Loans A portfolio guarantee secures the repayment of 80 percent of the principal amount of the loan to a financial institution
Instrument implemented
Portfolio Guarantees for Loans 2 The amount of the guaranteed loan is up to EUR 5 million
Instrument implemented
Individual guarantees during the period of Russia‘s aggression against Ukraine Individual guarantees are provided to financial institutions in respect of loans and leasing services provided to economic operators to support their economic activities.
Instrument implemented
Aid guarantees for loans and financial lease transactions INVEGA aid guarantees facilitate access to financing sources for businesses affected by the crisis caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
Instrument implemented
Guarantees to Secure Fulfillment of Obligations of Travel Services Providers
Compensation for interest for economic operators engaged in alternative activities 80% of interest paid to the financial institution or leasing company is compensated.
Compensation for interest to entities operating in the fisheries sector 30% of interest paid on a loan and/or leasing services of the loan/leasing agreement is compensated.
Compensation for the guarantee fee to entities engaged in alternative activities 80 % of the guarantee fee is compensated
Compensation for the guarantee payment to those who buy by leasing The following is compensated 75% of the guarantee payment; 30% of the guarantee payment
Compensation for the guarantee payment to those who take a loan for investments Part of the guarantee payment is compensated for entities operating in rural areas and receiving loans from financial institutions with INVEGA‘s guarantee for investment projects
Compensation of interest on loans and credit lines for the financing of working capital or acquisition of biological assets 80% of interest paid to the financial institution is compensated for a period of maximum 24 months starting from the date of signature of the loan and/or credit line agreement.
Compensation of Interest on Loans and Leasing Services for Financing of Investments 80% of interest paid to the financial institution or leasing company is compensated
Compensation of Loan Interest For applications submitted by 31 January 2024, applicants can be compensated up to 50% of the actually paid interest amount, but no more than 7% of annual interest. An application for compensation of interest must be submitted no later than within 1 year as of the signing of the loan agreement.
Municipal grant For municipalities investing in projects financed by EU structural funds that save their budgets and increase their income.
Promotion of listing of securities on the stock exchange Reimbursement of 50 percent of the eligible costs incurred
Instrument implemented
Business Start-Up Subsidies Subsidies for micro or small companies and natural persons operating up to 1 year
Instrument implemented
Compensation and one-time allowances for providers of classified accommodation Compensation up to 50% of the costs incurred or a one-time allowance of up to EUR 100
Instrument implemented
Compensation of COVID-19 Testing for Employees Compensation for employee COVID-19 testing
Instrument implemented
Compensations to self-employed persons for rent and related costs The maximum amount of compensation - 70 % of the fixed costs
Instrument implemented
Consultation Services Reimbursement Counselling expenses on export, business start-up and development, more efficient use of resources and conservation of natural resources can be compensated
Instrument implemented
Grants for tour operators of incoming tourism The maximum amount of the grant awarded to one business undertaking is EUR 30 thousand
Instrument implemented
Partial Compensation of Lease Payments for Businesses Most Affected by Covid-19 Partial compensation of the lease payments
Instrument implemented
Partial Financing of Staff Training Grants for staff training
Accelerator 2 EUR 18 million have been allocated from the Innovation Promotion Fund.
Accelerator Funds Accelerator funds are designed to invest in micro and small enterprises and provide mentoring, training and consulting services to such enterprises
Baltic Innovation Fund The planned amount of the BIF is EUR 130 million
Baltic Innovation Fund II It is estimated that the total size of BIF II will amount to €156m
Business Angels Co-Investment Fund The maximum investment amount per enterprise is up to EUR 1,2 million
Co-Investment Fund The maximum investment amount is up to EUR 1.6 million
Co-Investment Fund for Transport and Communications The maximum investment amount is up to EUR 1.6 million
Co-Investment Fund II The Co-investment Fund II is designed for the development of the Lithuanian venture capital market and growth of new participants of the venture capital market
Development Fund I The maximum investment amount per enterprise is up to EUR 2 million
Development Fund II The investment amount per enterprise will be from EUR 2 to 4 million
Early Stage and Development Fund I The planned amount of the fund - EUR 20,6 million
Early Stage and Development Fund II Intended to invest in the diversified portfolio of innovative micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with high growth potential in the early development stage
MILInvest The Defence Investment Fund invests in innovative companies in the field of defence and security
NATO Innovation Fund The NATO Innovation Fund (NIF) was created to supercharge the Alliance’s unique innovation ecosystems. Allied talent and research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are world-leading, but the market to support deep tech innovation is underfunded. With the NIF, we are creating a commercialisation machine in both the private and public sectors, backing innovators to secure the future for the Alliance's 1 billion citizens.
Instrument suspended
Development Funds III With this financial instrument,the State aims to promote venture capital investments into micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and small mid-caps in Lithuania, to contribute the European Green Deal by promoting sustainable investments, to ensure a balance of venture capital investments, and help to develop the Lithuanian venture capital ecosystem.