Compensation for the guarantee payment to those who buy by leasing
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How much?
The following is compensated:
- 75% of the guarantee payment - to entities that operate in rural areas and buy agricultural machinery under leasing agreements, and entities that operate in rural areas, invest in the processing and/or marketing of agricultural products and buy production installations and/or equipment under leasing agreements;
- 30% of the guarantee payment - to entities that operate in rural areas, invest in other activities and buy production installations and/or equipment under leasing agreements.
The economic operators pay only for a non-compensated part of the guarantee.
The total amount of de minimis aid (small amounts of state aid) for any entity may not exceed, over any period of three fiscal years:
- EUR 25,000 – for those investing in primary production of agricultural products;
- EUR 200,000 - for those investing in other activities.
If, at adoption of the decision on provision of aid, the calculated total amount of de minimis aid will exceed these amounts, the calculated amount will be reduced accordingly.