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Dainius Vilčinskas Appointed as INVEGA‘s CEO

A new executive board of Investicijų ir verslo garantijos (INVEGA), a national promotional institution, has started its work. Dainius Vilčinskas has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board and INVEGA‘s CEO.

Apart from Dainius Vilčinskas, the Board has the following members that will work in the positions of heads of specific functions: Inga Beiliūnienė is in charge of the development of INVEGA‘s activities, strategic product planning, and product development and management; Lina Stragauskienė is responsible for financial management, IT development and administration of the organisation‘s activities, and Jonas Kanapeckas is in charge of compliance and risk assessment. The decision was taken at the meeting of the Board held on Monday. In addition, INVEGA will announce selection of the fifth member of the Board who will be in charge of customer service and financing decisions, in near future.

In Dainius Vilčinskas‘ opinion, over 20 years INVEGA has performed a very important mission in terms of growth of Lithuania‘s economy, and will seek to continue this mission.

We expect to successfully complete the consolidation in the short term – by the end of the year, and start working in the area of organisational culture by forming a unanimously working team based on best leadership practices and common values. In the long term, I will seek INVEGA‘s contribution to the active development of Lithuania‘s economy and financial and capital markets and implementation of national priorities in the areas of digitalisation and sustainability. INVEGA has to become an even more customer-oriented institution whose activities are transparent and open to service recipients, the public and our partners. These are ambitious goals but I believe that the present INVEGA‘s team, supplemented by new people, will be capable of attaining them‘, - says Dainius Vilčinskas.

Dainius Vilčinskas replaced Kęstutis Motiejūnas who completed his term of office of over five years, on 8 September.

The term of office of INVEGA‘s Board appointed in 2019 expired on 7 September. The former board members included Alditas Saulius, Vytenis Labanauskas, Viktorija Trimbel, Tomas Urban and Aušra Vičkačkienė.


Investicijų ir verslo garantijos UAB (INVEGA) is a national promotional institution, with the Ministry of Finance representing the Government of the Republic of Lithuania as a shareholder. As part of implementation of the plan for New Generation Lithuania, and seeking to direct sufficient investments to key areas and to speed up economic development, on 1 August 2023 four national promotional institutions – INVEGA, Viešųjų investicijų plėtros agentūra (VIPA), Valstybės investicijų valdymo agentūra (VIVA) and Žemės ūkio paskolų garantijų fondas (ŽŪPGF) were joined into a single institution. All services to businesses, the public sector and agriculture are provided through INVEGA on a one-stop shop basis.