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NDI news

Giedrė Gečiauskienė has joined INVEGA Management Board
Giedrė Gečiauskienė has joined INVEGA Management Board
For Enterprise For the public sector For financial intermediaries For agriculture
The Management Board of the national promotional institution Investicijų ir verslo garantijos (INVEGA) has been joined by its fifth member – a highly-experienced financial expert Giedrė Gečiauskienė. She will be responsible for client service and...
Pascal Lagarde: ‘Lithuanian National Development Agency will have special importance during the...
Pascal Lagarde: ‘Lithuanian National Development Agency will have special importance during the tense economic cycles’
For Enterprise For the public sector For financial intermediaries For agriculture
Pascal Lagarde has shared his insights gained at Bpifrance in the interview, and explained what financial strategies give the biggest support for economies and what significant role will non-financial help to enterprises play on the sustainability...
Dainius Vilčinskas Appointed as INVEGA‘s CEO
Dainius Vilčinskas Appointed as INVEGA‘s CEO
For Enterprise For the public sector For financial intermediaries For agriculture
INVEGA, a national promotional institution, has started its work. Dainius Vilčinskas has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board and INVEGA‘s CEO.
A new Board of INVEGA has been formed
A new Board of INVEGA has been formed
For Enterprise For the public sector For financial intermediaries For agriculture
INVEGA’s Supervisory Council has selected, on a competition basis, four members of the Board for the term of office of four years. Along with serving on the Board, they will head relevant functions in the company.
Marco Francini: ‘Our cooperation is based on the principle that the EIB priorities coincide with...
Marco Francini: ‘Our cooperation is based on the principle that the EIB priorities coincide with the national ones’
For Enterprise For the public sector For financial intermediaries For agriculture
Marco Francini, Head of the EIB Group Office for the Baltic States, talked about changes in the cooperation of EIB and the consolidated national development institution. He elaborated with the experience accumulated by EIB Group while working with...
Vaida Markevičienė: ‘Lithuania's economy will gain new acceleration’
Vaida Markevičienė: ‘Lithuania's economy will gain new acceleration’
For Enterprise For the public sector For financial intermediaries For agriculture
Vaida Markevičienė, Vice Minister of Finance, talked about the purpose of that merger, the expectations set for the new national development agency by the shareholder, and the benefits for the Lithuanian companies, public and agricultural sectors....
The Selection of INVEGA Board Members is Announced
The Selection of INVEGA Board Members is Announced
For Enterprise For the public sector For financial intermediaries For agriculture
To assure effective management of the institution and to contribute to smooth consolidation process of the state-controlled financial companies, the Supervisory Council of the National Promotional Institution INVEGA announces the selection of...
New INVEGA Supervisory Board elected
New INVEGA Supervisory Board elected
For Enterprise For financial intermediaries
The new Board of Supervisors of INVEGA, the national promotional institution (NPI), has been selected through an international selection process to ensure its effective governance.
One of the government’s reforms gets underway – merging national promotional bodies into one
One of the government’s reforms gets underway – merging national promotional bodies into one
For Enterprise For financial intermediaries
The Lithuanian Government has decided to form a group of national promotional institutions on the basis of INVEGA. The authorised capital will be increased from EUR 8 million to EUR 53.4 million, the value of the companies to be merged.
Government decides to increase INVEGA’s authorised capital to EUR 53 million
Government decides to increase INVEGA’s authorised capital to EUR 53 million
For Enterprise For financial intermediaries
On Wednesday, the Lithuanian Government adopted a decision to increase the authorised capital of the national promotional institution UAB “Investicijų ir verslo garantijos” (INVEGA) by EUR 45.4 million, from EUR 8 million to EUR 53.4 million.
Creating a single, strong, credible national promotional body with a broad remit
Creating a single, strong, credible national promotional body with a broad remit
For Enterprise For financial intermediaries
The Government of the Republic of Lithuania today approved the consolidation model of national promotional institutions (NPIs) on the basis of INVEGA as the parent company, and the remaining NPIs as its subsidiaries
National Promotional Institutions agree to merge: increasing opportunities for investment and...
National Promotional Institutions agree to merge: increasing opportunities for investment and sustainable business...
For Enterprise For financial intermediaries
Today’s meeting of government ministers endorsed the consolidation of the national promotional institutions (NPIs) and outlined the next steps towards this goal.
INVEGA recognised a national promotional body
INVEGA recognised a national promotional body
For Enterprise For financial intermediaries
The Bank of Lithuania has included UAB Investicijų ir Verslo Garantijos (INVEGA) on the List of National Promotional Bodies (NPBs), which means that the process of gaining the NPB status is completed. With this status the company can take on a...
National promotional institutions will promote investment in Lithuania
National promotional institutions will promote investment in Lithuania
For Enterprise For financial intermediaries
Today, the Government granted the status of national promotional institutions (NPIs) to three state-owned financial institutions – Public Investment Development Agency UAB (lith. UAB “Viešųjų investicijų plėtros agentūra“), Investment and Business...
The law on national promotional institutions is adopted
The law on national promotional institutions is adopted
For Enterprise For financial intermediaries
There is a need to address the funding gap in various areas where financially viable projects are not able to obtain funding due to high risk or long payback periods. Lithuania has started to create a legal framework for the operation of national...