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The sixth meeting of the Innova-FI project Local Stakeholders Group Meeting was organized

2021 April 28, INVEGA organized the sixth meeting of the Innova-FI project Local Stakeholders Group Meeting. Due to the restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held online.

During the meeting, the experience learnt during the 7th Exchange of Experience event organized by the Regional Development Agency in Bielsko-Biała (ARRSA) was presented. In the discussion that followed, all participants had the opportunity to exchange opinions about the ‘Design Option Paper’ and the Pilot Actions developed too.

INVEGA representatives presented the reviewed Action Plans of Accelerator 2 and Direct loans for innovative business. During the meeting, a few financial instruments targeting acceleration programmes and loan programmes for young SMEs and RDI projects in other EU member states were analysed and discussed.

More information about Innova-FI project