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Save the date – 15 May 2018 – Vilnius

The European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH) – European Investment Bank, in collaboration with the European Commission, INVEGA and the VIPA has the pleasure to invite you to the event entitled The Investment Plan for Europe: advisory opportunities for Lithuanian SMEs, Municipalities and consultants.

This event will be dedicated to advisory and financing opportunities available for Lithuanian private and public project promoters under the Investment Plan for Europe. It will include a review of the implementation status of EFSI in terms of lending and advisory support provided through the European Investment Advisory Hub. Following a plenary session on the Investment Plan for Europe, the event will be structured around two parallel sessions.

Parallel session one will target SMEs and will focus on specific issues of presenting business plans to potential investors, as well as the combination of different financial sources available for SMEs. This session will also focus on issues related to investment in Research and Innovation such us potential risks and opportunities, where to look for partners and how to find the right support programmes available to finance innovative projects.

Parallel session two will focus on Energy Efficiency and, more particularly on ESCO and EPC developments. This session will target municipalities, energy utility companies and consultants and will focus on Energy Performance Contracts and the new Eurostat guide for off-balance sheet financing. There will be a presentation of best practice and case studies.

The programme of event can be found here: https://www.eiahroadshow.eu/vilnius/en/programme. To register, please visit https://www.eiahroadshow.eu/vilnius/en/registration.