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Invega boosts long-term investment promotion competences

Seeking to strengthen cooperation with the EU financial institutions, exchange of long-term investment knowledge and experience building, UAB Investicijų ir verslo garantijos (INVEGA) has become an associate member of the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI). The new membership will enable INVEGA to have prompt access to the latest information, acquire knowledge and good practices from European long-term investors and participate in the representation of the national position when the state will be making long-term investments.

“The ELTI membership is yet another opportunity to acquire additional experience in the promotion of long-term investments which could bring more added value to business and the state and to share experiences of better use of public resources for the implementation of financial instruments,” INVEGA CEO Audrius Zabotka says.

The ELTI, which was set up in 2013 and is currently led by the EIB President, unites 27 European financial institutions (mainly national promotional financing institutions and international financial institutions and pension funds as associate members). The activities of the Association are aimed at promotion of long-term investments in line with the EU objectives and initiatives undertaken to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis (insufficient level of investments, slow economic recovery) and promotion of a progressive, sustainable and integrated growth of the economy and investment level and creation of jobs.

The ELTI members are regularly updated on the initiatives, discussions and instruments undertaken by the EU institutions, negotiations with the EU institutions take place on behalf and for the benefit of the members, information and experience is shared both among the ELTI members and national and international stakeholders. In addition, the EU institutions are informed about the possibilities and potential of the ELTI members to invest in long-term projects. This strengthens cooperation between the EU financial institutions and long-term investors, develops the conceptual framework for promotion of long-term investments and their understanding in business and finance sectors.