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Innova-FI News – EoE 07

The Polish partner of INNOVA-FI, the Regional Development Agency in Bielsko-Biała (ARRSA), organized the seventh Exchange of Experience. Held online from 9 to 10 March 2021 the partners participated altogether to discuss collectively and present the respective results on the Action Plans.

First on the agenda, was an overview of the Financial Instruments market in Poland, presented by Patrycja Węgrzyn, representative of Polish project partner. In a 30 min presentation, we got to know the Nacional Instruments, how they act, what kind of services are provided and who can apply (at a national level). A special focus on Budget Capital Market was given – Equity Instruments and Capital Investment System as the core of their interests. The Polish overview could not be completed without a preview of the Financial Instruments implement in the framework of the Regional Operational Program for Silesia Voivodeship 2014-2020 presented by Małgorzata Pęcherska, representative of the Marshal Office of Silesia Voivodeship.

Our afternoon started with inter-project synergies and intervention of the Smart-FI Project (where 3 of Innova-FI partners are participating) was planned. The goal was to share with all the Innova-FI Project Partners the ‘Design Option Paper’ and the Pilot Actions developed – that according to the design thinking methodology have been divided into 3 phases, Explore&Empathize, Elaborate&Experiment and Expand&Evaluate. Exposing the results of these Pilot Actions made it possible to highlight the importance of two major focal points, that Innova-FI Action Plans should also keep in mind:

  • How to help entrepreneurs to understand the degree of maturity for their idea and when to know they are ready for financing;
  • How to favour the match with suitable investors (i.e., allow the entrepreneur to track their development and introduce educational features among other advancements).

Progressing with the agenda, Innova-Fi was introduced to ‘Entrepreneurship Support Fund’ operated by RDA and composed of two main entities: ‘Beskid Technology Accelerator’ and the ‘Loan & Guarantee Fund’. Favourable loans for SMEs have held unique results both in terms of engagement and loss ratio. Moreover, the presentation for Technology Accelerator Gliwice made by Marcin Baron, R&D Institution Relations Specialist, illustrated how to establish venture or seed-funds to help companies in key technologies like electronics, smart creative technologies, medical devices, cybersecurity…

The second day (of the second to last Exchange of Experience) was centred around a peer-learning review for the envisioned Action Plans. The emphasis of the Action Plans remains on the promotion and offer of solutions and technology boost for SMEs and start-ups. Tailor-made solutions will be developed and focus on the subjective needs arising from the user mapping done with the help of the Innova-FI Tool.

Last but not least, the Steering Committee meeting conversation honed in the usual feedback of the Exchange of Experience, the organization of the next events, communication Activities and a group photo – with a last farewell!