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Fourth remote Innova-Fi stakeholder meeting takes place

On 28 May, the fourth Innova-FI Local Stakeholder Group Meeting was organized remotely by Investicijų ir Verslo Garantijos (INVEGA).

Representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, the Ministry of Finance, Koinvesticinis Fondas and INVEGA met online to discuss financial instruments and solutions best suited to serve the financing needs of innovative and RTDI-driven businesses in the current unfavourable economic situation.

The discussions covered the following topics:

  1. A report from the exchange of experience with Italy.
  2. A presentation of policy reports.
  3. Changes in the terms of the Co-investment Fund II instrument.
  4. A Discussion on the Regional Action Plan.

The stakeholders agreed that the meeting and information provided was very useful – it was a good starting point for further discussions on the Regional Action Plan for developing and managing financial instruments on a broader scale.

You can read more about Innova-FI here.