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Financial instrument Expo Consultant Lt was launched

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania together with UAB Investicijų ir Verslo Garantijos (Investment and Business Guarantees) (INVEGA) published first call for proposals for a non-refundable grant Expo Consultant LT. In total EUR 5,584,801 are expected to be allocated from the European Regional Development Fund for the implementation of projects.

The new financial measure will allow micro small, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) obtain the required information, consulting, methodical and other assistance on the matters of export, search for potential markets, and international trade, and consequently stimulate export growth and increase competitiveness of businesses. The maximum amount of financing available per project promoter for the duration of the grant agreement is EUR 4,000.

Eligible applicants under the measure Expo Consultant LT include SMEs that every month over a period of at least six months prior to the submission of an application had employees covered by national insurance.

Under terms and conditions of the measure, eligible costs are limited to the costs of consultations on the topics published on the websites www.verslilietuva.lt and Business Consultants Network. The applicant’s project has to contribute to the implementation of the Guidelines of Lithuanian Export Development for 2014–2020 and match the priority goals of retaining export position on foreign markets, accessing new markets, in particular of third countries, promoting the development of exports of higher value added goods and services. Specialised consulting services have to be related to at least one country from any group of priority export markets.

After the expiry of the grant period, a project promoter may apply to INVEGA for a new project (another grant period). Applications under the measure may be submitted until 30 November 2020. Grant agreements will be signed until 31 December 2020. The partial compensation of consultations will be considered as a form of de minimis aid.