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For Enterprise For financial intermediaries

Become a Fund Manager of “Baltic Capital Market Acceleration Fund”

"Investicijų ir verslo garantijos" (INVEGA) and Latvia's "Attīstības finanšu institūcija Altum" AS (ALTUM) are seeking expressions of interest for the role of fund manager for the new financial instrument “Baltic Capital Market Acceleration Fund” (BCMAF).

With a total BCMAF allocation of up to 50 million EUR, the breakdown includes:
- INVEGA will invest EUR 18.78 million
- ALTUM will invest EUR 20 million
- private investors’ contributing no less than EUR 10 million.

The selected fund manager will invest together with private market participants in SMEs, small mid-caps and innovative mid-caps with enterprise values ranging from EUR 5 up to 100 million. These ventures will be situated in Lithuania, Latvia, and other EU regions.

Applications are welcome until 23:59 hours on 30 August, 2024, to be submitted by email equity@invega.lt or ipo@altum.lv

Detailed selection criteria, documentation requirements and Applicant’s declarations, click the link.