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Venture Capital

Accelerator Funds Accelerator funds are designed to invest in micro and small enterprises and provide mentoring, training and consulting services to such enterprises
Business Angels Co-Investment Fund The maximum investment amount per enterprise is up to EUR 1,2 million
Co-Investment Fund The maximum investment amount is up to EUR 1.6 million
Co-Investment Fund for Transport and Communications The maximum investment amount is up to EUR 1.6 million
Co-Investment Fund II The Co-investment Fund II is designed for the development of the Lithuanian venture capital market and growth of new participants of the venture capital market
Early Stage and Development Fund I The planned amount of the fund - EUR 20,6 million
Early Stage and Development Fund II Intended to invest in the diversified portfolio of innovative micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with high growth potential in the early development stage
MILInvest The Defence Investment Fund invests in innovative companies in the field of defence and security
NATO Innovation Fund The NATO Innovation Fund (NIF) was created to supercharge the Alliance’s unique innovation ecosystems. Allied talent and research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are world-leading, but the market to support deep tech innovation is underfunded. With the NIF, we are creating a commercialisation machine in both the private and public sectors, backing innovators to secure the future for the Alliance's 1 billion citizens.
Instrument suspended
Development Funds III With this financial instrument,the State aims to promote venture capital investments into micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and small mid-caps in Lithuania, to contribute the European Green Deal by promoting sustainable investments, to ensure a balance of venture capital investments, and help to develop the Lithuanian venture capital ecosystem.