Grants for tour operators of incoming tourism
How much?
- The maximum possible amount for one tourist for the travel services provided from 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2021 is 3 euro.
- The maximum amount of the grant awarded to one business undertaking is 30 000 euro.
Upon evaluation of the application, INVEGA shall determine the size of the grant awarded to the business undertaking by summing up the possible grants of all the business undertakings, regarding whom the decision to award the grant may be made. If the received result exceeds the amount attributed to the grants, the size of the grant awarded to the business undertaking shall be reduced by the same percentage so that the total amount of the grants would not exceed the amount assigned to the grants. The size of the awarded grant shall be rounded up by accuracy of 1 euro according to the mathematical rounding-up rules.
The amount of 300 thousand euro from the reserve of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania were assigned to grants.
The applications for grants to tour operators of incoming tourism shall be accepted until 9 May 2022 inclusive.
How does it work?
One business undertaking may submit only one application according to the call and the grant may be awarded only once.
Requirements for business undertaking
Check whether you satisfy the established requirements.
Collect the necessary documents.
The application without all the needed documents shall be regarded as submitted inappropriately.
Submit the application
E-mail the application and documents signed by a qualified e-signature or using the electronic communication means* to
Check your e-mail
The applications will be assessed within 20 business days after the end of the call.
You will be informed about the decision by the e-mail address indicated in the application.
* We recommend to sign the application (in excel format)
and the enclosed documents in Signa Web app.