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Open Credit Fund 2

Instrument implemented


What is the maximum amount?

Maximum amount of OCF2 financing per loan is EUR 600.000 with a maximum loan term of 120 months for loans and leasing and 36 months for facility of credit limit. Maximum amount of the financing may be increased depending on the proportional share of bank funding.

How does it work?

In order to use the financial instrument under the Open Credit Fund 2, enterprise or entrepreneur is required to apply, firstly, to the credit institution with which a cooperation agreement was formed. Currently, soft loans under Open Credit Fund 2 are provided by Citadele bank and Medicinos bankas. Medicinos bankas provides leasing transaction services as well.

Terms and conditions

Open Credit Fund 2 (OCF2) is a financial engineering instrument implemented by the Invega Fund reusing the resources returned.

Key requirements for a soft loan:

Maximum amount of OCF2 financing per loan from the Invega Fund EUR 450,000
Maximum loan interest 3 months EURIBOR + 0,1 % + up to 3 % margin
Maximum loan term

120 months for loans and leasing. The term may be extended for a maximum period of 120 months calculating from the date of conclusion of the existing loan or leasing agreement.
36 months for facility of credit limit.

Eligibility period A financial intermediary can sign loan agreements with borrowers by 31 December 2021 (with a possibility of extension).
Place of SMB operation  SME registered in the European Economic Area or Confederation of Switzerland and operating in the Republic of Lithuania. SME is deemed to be operating in Lithuania if it creates jobs in Lithuania and/or pays taxes on its operations or contributions of the State Social Insurance Fund Board under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour to the budget of Lithuania.
Number of OCF2 credits Unlimited
Eligible purposes of financing 1. Loan, credit limit and financial lease (leasing) (the “loan”);
2. Financing of investments of SME and/or cover the shortage of working capital if such financing is related to a new activity taken up by the SME or strengthening or expansion of the existing activity. A loan for investments is a loan where at least 51% of the total loan amount is intended to finance investments.
Ineligible purposes of financing 

1. Loans to SMEs operating in the sectors listed in Article 1(1) of EU de minimis Aid Regulation No 1407/2013;
2. Loans to SMEs directly engaged in the production and trade in weapons and ammunition, tobacco, distilled spirits and related products;

3. Loans for investments into companies engaged in the organisation of gambling;

4. Loans for investments into companies operating in the natural sciences sector when financing is provided for research, development and technical applications related to human cloning for the purposes of research or treatment and genetically modified organisms (GMOs);

5. Refinancing of the existing financial liabilities of the borrower or another business entity.

6. Borrowers that might be and/or are subject to collective insolvency proceedings referred to in Article 4(3)(a) of EU de minimis Aid Regulation No 1407/2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid;

7. Loans to finance financial activities or real estate development with the aim of reselling, leasing or transferring it to other parties.


Report on loans granted under the instrument Open Credit Fund 2 (Lithuanian language version).

Fund balance

Fund balance

Value of the fund 71 650 000,00 €
Reserved funds 855 750,00 €
Allocated funds 70 793 731,94 €
Fund balance 518,06 €